INCITE incubator for critical inquiry into technology and ethnography
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Nina Wakeford

Wakeford, N. (2004) 'Pushing at the boundaries of New Media Studies' New Media & Society. 6(1), (Special Fifth Anniversary Issue: What's Changed About New Media?)

Wakeford, N. (2003) 'The embedding of local culture in global communication: independent internet cafes in London', New Media & Society. 5(3) pp. 379-399

Wakeford, N. (2003) "A social history of the mobile phone with a view to its future" (with Lochoee, H & Pearson, I) British Telecom Technology Journal 21 (3) Special Issue: Telecoms Unplugged, pp.203-211

Wakeford, N. (2003) 'Working with new Media's Cultural Intermediaries: The development of collaborative projects at INCITE'Information, Communication and Society 6(2) pp. 229-245

Kris Cohen

Cohen, K. (2006) ‘A Welcome for Blogs’, Counter-Heroics and Counter-Professionalism in Cultural Studies Special Issue - Continuum, Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, (2) June 2006.

Cohen, K. with Thomson, J and A, Craighead. (2005) 'The Wrong Categories" in Corby, Tom (ed.) Network Art: Positions and Practices. London: Routledge.

Cohen, K. (2005) 'What does the photoblog want?' in Media, Culture & Society, 27 (6) pp. 883-901

Cohen, K. (2005) Better the data you know...', Essay commissioned for Day to Day Data exhibition catalogue, Harrison, E. (ed.) Nottingham: Angel Row Gallery.

Cohen, K. (2003) ‘Photoblogging and Sociology as Strange Chronicles’ presented at Images of Social Life: Exploring the New Foundations of Visual Studies, International Visual Sociology Association Conference, University of Southampton, UK, 8 July-10 July.

Cohen, K. (2003) ‘Translation: Sociology: Design’, paper presented as a visiting lecturer to the Oxford Internet Institute, Summer Doctoral Programme, Oxford University.

Cohen, K. (2000) ‘Dialogue’, Perspective, Spring Issue on [Design Value], pp. 18 - 23.

Cohen, K. (1996) ‘Locating the Photographer’s “Prick”’, Chicago Art Journal, 6 (1), pp. 5 - 14.

Adam Reed

Reed, A. (2005) “'My blog is me”: texts and persons', in UK online journal Culture (and Anthropology)’. Ethnos 70 (2).

Reed, A. (2002) 'Henry and I: an ethnographic account of men's fiction reading'. Ethnos, 67, 181-200.

Reed, A. (2002) 'City of details: interpreting the personality of London'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 8, 127-141

Reed, A. (1999) 'Anticipating Individuals: modes of vision and their social consequence in a Papua New Guinea prison'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 5, 43-56.