INCITE incubator for critical inquiry into technology and ethnography
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- Nina Wakeford

- Goetz Bachmann

- Britt Hatzius

- Katrina Jungnickel

- Sebastian Olma



- Sandeep Channarayapatna

- Martin Sønderlev Christensen

- Kris Cohen

- Mary Ebeling

- Sian Griffiths

- Magnus Nilsson

- Kate Orton-Johnson

- Gerard Oleksik


- Adam Reed

- Steve Smith

- Jenny Sundén



GOETZ BACHMANN - Senior Researcher

Goetz Bachmann is a lecturer at the Centre for Cultural Studies (CSS) and a researcher at the  Department for Sociology in Goldsmiths College. His background is in a specifically German academic tradition: ‘Empirische Kulturwissenschaften’ (= Empirical Cultural Studies). His main areas of research are media ethnography and ethnography of life in organizations. Until recently, he has been the Research Associate in the CCS’ Broadband Project, and before this he has taught at the Fachhochschule Potsdam. He has organised numerous conferences and workshops, e.g. on ‘Streaming Media’ at Tokyo National University and on ‘Unification: Together apart’ and ‘Life inside organizations’ at Humboldt University. He has also won grants, most recently as co-applicant of the ‘Goldsmiths Media Research Program’, awarded by the Leverhulme Foundation. Beyond the academic life he is a scriptwriter and editor that specializes in trash, such as TV-series, kids comics, teen magazines and romance novels. He has worked as a consultant and researcher for government as well as for industry, and as a political activist.


‘Unbundled Television. The Joints are out of Time’: In Information Communication & Society (out soon) (with Scott Lash and Celia Lury)

 ‘Alle im Äther. Volksfreundschaft in der deutschen Radiotheorie der 1920er und 1930er Jahre und im New Yorker Radio Project’. In: Bernd Jürgen Warneken (ed.): Volksfreunde. Varianten sozialen Engagements. Tübingen: TVV, 2007, 275-300.

‘Medien-Ethnographie’. In: Ruth Ayass und Joerg Bergmann: Qualitative Methoden der Medienforschung – Handbuch. Reinbeck, Rowohlt, 2006. (with Andreas Wittel):

 ‘Tatsächlich Teilnehmen’. In: Hirschfelder, Gunther / Huber, Birgit (ed.): Die Virtualisierung der Arbeit. Zur Ethnographie neuer Arbeits- und Organisationsformen. Frankfurt/New York, Campus, 2004 (with Andreas Wittel).

‘Kulturland Brandenburg. Eine Kampagne fuer regionale Kulturarbeit’. In: Kristina Bauer-Volke, Ina Dietzsch (ed.): Labor Ostdeutschland. Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Bonn, 2003 (with Hermann Vössgen).

‘Teilnehmende Beobachtung’. In: Stefan Kuehl und Petra Strodtholz (ed.): Methoden der Organisationsforschung – Handbuch. Reinbeck, Rowohlt, 2002, 323-360.

‘Mikroanalyse, Reflexivitaet und einige Tassen Kaffee’, in Armin Triebel (ed.): Die Pragmatik des Gesellschaftsvergleichs. Leipzig: Universitaetsverlag 1997, 1994-2006.

‘Der Kaffeeloeffel und die Sonne’, in Rolf Wilhem Brednich. Heinz Schmitt: Symbole, Muenster/New York: Waxmann, 1997, 216-225.


email: goetz.bachmann[at]